Dekaron Online

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This Site (Weblog) Dekaron online have tecnic, quest , skill, howto upskill , Detail monster , Item , Dungent , howto use menu , basic to play , video dekaron and all

2Moons is a free MMORPG video game published by Acclaim under the direction of David Perry. The game is an adaptation of Korean MMORPG Dekaron by GameHi for the North American market, featuring a new story line. Closed beta testing ended March 7th, 2007. The open beta testing phase, which began July 30th, 2007, has experienced several delays. Previously, a commercial launch was planned for the summer of 2007, but due to the open beta delay, Acclaim has been unable to give an official launch date for the game. As stated by David Perry, Acclaim is "the new kid on the block" in the MMORPG market, and they have had many issues to fix while preparing for the open beta launch of the title.

Home ข่าวDekaron

วันพุธที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

การอัพสกิล Knght สายดาบสองมือ

The 2 Handed Sword Knight

Power AND defence. The allied power of 2 handed weapons very high damage with sword's defensive abilities, creating a fine balance between offence and defence.

จำเป็นจะต้องมีเลเวลถึง141 ถึงจะอัพได้หมดซึ่งสูงมาก (Yes, very high. But it can easily drop to 129 if the player "forfeits" maxing a few extra skills)
Skill points left at 150: 9




- Very High damage. Genocide alone has the highest damage potential in the whole game, having more than double the damage of almost all other high-damage skills except for a couple skills which have slightly more than half the damage.
- Good defence. Sword Defence grants a temporary very high block rate, Berserker gives a 3 second stun, and 2 Handed Mastery ups the defence a considerable ammount.

- Slower than other builds. This makes it hard to land hits on quicker builds.

The power and brutality of 2 handed weapons, brought together with sword's defensive skills. Though slower than some other builds, Sword Defence's huge boost to block and/or a well placed Berserker can create openings in an oponent's attacks, after which, the raw might and power of Genocide followed up by Air Smashing will deliver letal punishment.
Important skills:
- Sword Mastery - Obviously, since it affects the damage of almost every attack you have.
- Genocide - Simply put: The most damaging skill in the entire game. Make the math.
- Sword Defence - Priceless for any build. Grants 80% block when maxed + 25% defence (allied to Two-Hand-Mastery's defence bonus). Blocking temporarely stuns your oponent, leaving him wide open to brutal and merciless retaliation.
- Strenghten Health - Priceless for PvE. When your defence isn't all that good, beeing able to recover after a hard blow makes all the diference. For PvP, however, it's not all that good, as it's charge-up time will leave you open for a final blow.
- Attack Acceleration - Basicly put: Faster, Stronger, Better. This skill is nothing but essential for ANY Knight worthy of the name. In a build that's slow but powerful, this skill evens out the speed, and pumps up the damage even more.
- Berserker - Admitedly, first time I looked at this skill, I completely dismissed it. However, with one single point, this skill will deliver, not only meaningful 2-hit AoE damage, but damage bonus to the Knight, AND a 3 second stun to the foe. And we all like our foes good, stunned and completely helpless. Delivers medium-high damage at high levels.
- Air Smashing - Second highest damage attack of this build, and an extremely good follow up to Genocide.
- Faedol Launch - This skill is deceivingly good. Aparently just a high damage hit, this low-cooldown little "poke" actually bypasses shield, delivering it's high damage straight to health.

Note: "ZOMFG, MAX SHARPEN BLADE??" For this build, Yes. Pure builds have a ton of left over points, it can do well with maxing sharpen blade. + Beeing a pure build won't have as many skills as hybrids, meaning, an extra one for "emergencies" doesn't hurt.

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