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Red = Twin Blade/Staff Skills
Green = Twin Blade Skills
Purple = Staff Skills
Yellow = Summons Cross Hack (Level 1):
Twin Mastery (Level 5):
Vicious Mastery (Level 5):
Blade Spin (Level 7):
Evolt Shot (Level 7):
Vicious Thorn (Level 12):
Libido Mastery (Level 15):
Beast Mastery (Level 15):
Tarantula (Level 15):
Grewpain (Level 15):
Spirit Dagger (Level 21):
Skin of the Foreign Realm (Level 30):
Devils Swing (Level 32):
Venom Light (Level 34):
Aldebaran (Level 36):
Regulus (Level 36):
Blood Bats (Level 41):
Blade Dance (Level 52):
Summon Ghost (Level 52):
Tentator (Level 58):
Selaime (Level 58):
Poison Sword (Level 74):
Infected Earth (Level 74):
Anathema (Level 83):
Bregon (Level 83):
Vicious Mirror (Level 87):
Hell Burst (Level 87):
Dark Avatar (Level 97):
Palpus (Level 97):
Muspel (Level 108):
Agares (Level 108):
3 - Skill-Build Information:
This Guide is Based on TB Hybird, so Staff People can really just ignore this. I'm just going to Post what Skills you Should HAVE at least and what what levels.
NOTE: I Leave 4 Points Left Over after Level 97+ because Fishing is an IMPORTANT SKILL to Have, but for some people who don't want it they can put those 4 in what ever you want, but I'll explain detail off them later.
NOTE 2: O yea, Just so uno this Skill Build is ASSUMING you are willing to Reskill a few times like I did (if not try to set up your own skill order based on on certain major level Skills, either Major Reskill at 87 or 97, I recommend the 97 but eh? U need to Reskill a Few times to Maximize the Used of some Skills while they are still useful).
Level 15: FIRST PET!
Pretty Much the Basic Setup for when you start out and what to Pump as you level to get your first summon. Pretty much the reasoning behind this is clear. Pump Twin Mastery as soon as you can to do the most damage you can at your level. and Maxing Blade Spin helps to help kill monsters faster, and don't level Evolt Shot/Cross Hack, because they have a low out put damage, even at max not really great for TBs, but it is useful to lure monsters to you/poison them.
I also said to get Tarantual because its easier to level with him. He does poison damage which not only is ranged, but it poisons the monster, making them die faster. And in General Libido is better than Beast.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Between Level 15 and Level 43, pretty much pump Tarantual and Alde for Pets, and Pump Twin Mastery, Blade Spin, Devil Swing, and Blood Bats and Skin of Foreign Realm, after learning Spirit Dagger, Blood Bats and Skin of Foreign Realm.
An Alternative to this Skill build for those who can't reskill more than once, I'd keep Blade Spin at level 1 and save points later for around 52 to go hybird or so (if you don't want to reskill but instead save skill points).
Level 43: Check UP
Ok, by now Maxing Blade Spin will help for killing monsters, and with a combination of Devil Swing with that they should be dying fast. Max Tarantual, be cause at times he is more useful than Alde. Though Alde can Stun and hit harder, at times its easier to use the Tarantual to help tank mobs off of you, because unlike Alde who has to run back and forth to hit monsters that just hit you, Tarantual uses ranged attack to hit them form a distance and helps keep mobs off of you, and still can poison monsters. Also, Start Pumping Blood Bats as its your first "aoe" sortof, and the HP buff from it you can use at times to save on pots.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Between Level 43 and Level 52, before you reskill Pump Alde for Pets, and for skills, Pump Twin Mastery, Devil Swing, Blood Bats, and Skin of Foreigen Realm.
For those who can't reskill more than once or alot, I'd keep Blood Bats at Level 1, and Keep Tarantual at Level 1 instead of leveling them, and as stated in the last Alternative, keep Blade Spin at Level 1 aswell.
Ok, here is either where you Reskill to become a TB Hybird Summoner, or if you don't want to reskill and saved up points, this is what you should be going for. At 52 I's Reskill and Learn some Staff Skills. At level 52, your almost level 55, and having a Tarantual Level 5 at this point isn't as helpful as Alde, so your going to remove the skill points from Tarantual and back to 1, but at the same time still pump Alde. You are going to learn Vicious Mastery and make it Level 10 to do as much Damage with Staff Skills as you can being a TB Hybird. I'd recommend that you keep Vicious Thorn at level 1, because the damage is pretty low and useless for a TB Hybird, but at least you get to learn Summon Ghost which is a new AOE you get, and is a Staff Skill. At the same time, Blade Spin has lost its use, and the Damage Out Put is kinda low, and not as useful compared to Devil Swing considering both are Single Target Skills. Though you are taking outs out of Blade Spin, at least you learn your first TB AOE being Blade Dance. I'd recommend Pumping Blood Bats still, because it still is an AOE sortof, and the HP Buff is still useful in Crespo/Crespo Dungeons. With these 3 Skills (Blood Bats, Summon Ghost, and Blade Dance), it gives you more AOEs so you can dish out some more damage in Crespo PTs or Crespo DP PTs.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Between Level 52 and Level 60, for Pets Pump Alde, and get the New Summon, Tentator. Continue to Pump Devil Swing, Blade Dance, Summon Ghost, Blood Bats, and Skin of Foreign Realm.
For those of you who do not want to Reskill now, and instead were saving up Skill Points, this is what you should be looking towards when it comes to Making a Final Build. Though I'd keep Blood Bats at Level 1 for those who still want to save Skill Points and Reskill at a Higher Level.
Level 60: For Crespo PTs
Ok, by now you've reach level 60 which is a major level to reach in game because it opens the option for you to start joining Parties for Crespo A, B, and C Dungeon Runs. Now at this stage having level 5 Alde still is useful even with the nerf, because of his chance of still stunning the Boss at the end (most likely your not going to be getting that far in the low 60s, but later on its useful). By now you also have your first AOE Pet being Tent, one of the best and useful Pets to have for PvE and PvP. Now most of the time people don't like summoners using pets in Crespo Dungeon Runs because they are big and get in the way, SO when it comes down to AOEs you only have 3 really. So again continue to pump Summon Ghost, Blade Spin, and Blood Bats. Blood Bats not only is technically an AOE to help kill the mobs, but at times the HP gained can save you. And Clearly Pump Devil Swing and Skin until they are Maxed.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Continue to Pump Devil Swing, Skin of Foreign Relm, Tent, Summon Ghost, Blade Dance, and Blood Bats.
Again if you don't intend on reskilling alot, I'd recommend leaving Blood Bats at Level 1 and save your skill points.
At level 74 you get 2 more AOEs now being Poison Sword and Infected Earth. Now you can reskilling now if you want since Blood Bats really at this point is now no longer useful. Poison Sword is a linear AOE and the Buff g iven to you is extremely useful for PvE and PvP. Infected Earth is a good one Strong Hit AOE as well which will come in handy.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Continue to Pump Tent, Summon Ghost, Infected Earth, Blade Dance, Poison Sword, and Skin of Foreign Relm.
Again you don't NEED to reskill now, but instead just keep Blood Bats again at Level 1 to save Skill Points.
Level 83: NEW PETS!
Congratz. You know have hit level 83 and you now have your new 83 Pets, unfortunately they kinda suck. Now at 83 you should have enough skill points to Get all the Beast Pets (Level 1) allowing you to get Bregon as well as Anathema. When it comes down to PvE Anathema is better than Bregon which is why I'd suggest getting its AOE Skill (in which case later on it is very useful still). Anathema is also useful later on in the 90 DPs. Anathema has a linear AOE, and lowers all Res of the Monster by a certain %, and unlike Tent it isn't as big so sometimes people don't mind if u use this pet for that Dungeon.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Continue to pump Summon Ghost, Infected Earth, Blade Dance, and Poison Sword.
Again Keep Blood Bats at Level 1 if you are trying to save points.
WOOT! Your First Set of Cosmos. By now I really recommend Re-Skilling now OR at level 97 at LEAST if you only intend on reskilling once or a few times, as this is a major jump in skills and a change in game play. Now you reskill at this point in the game to take points out of Summon Ghost because it is pretty week for a TB Hybird Skill, and you have 2 new aoe cosmos to make up for that aoe. The Cast Time on Summon Ghost not only makes it a bad skill, but being as weak as it is with a low level staff, using it would just a waste (because correctly you can cycle through your other aoe skills).
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
There really is no need to explain as I posted a Picture for this.
Now if you don't want to reskill now I'd Keep Blood Bats at Level 1 Again, BUT by now you probably have pumped Summon Ghost so you will just have to keep it and see what happens until you reskill. Now Summon Ghost Can still be useful as an AOE if you need one at least for the 90 DP coming up so this isn't a major bad thing if you still have it, though I wouldn't recommend leaving it at Level 1 when you were a low level because back then it was actually useful.
NOTE: If you reskill now I STILL Recommend Reskilling at Level 97 because it is very Important Level to Reskill, IF you can't afford to make both Re-Skills Go with the Alternative.
Level 96: What You SHOULD Pump for 90 DP
Being already 90+ you most likely (if not idk wth you've been doing for the last 6 levels) have done a few Crevice 90 DP Runs. Now by level 96 this is what I'd recommend that you pump based on how it can benefit you for the 90 DPs. Again Anathema Level because you can actually use (most likely) this pet for 90 DP and -% all res of monster not only helps you but other ppl in the party. Now Infected Earth and Poison Sword and the Cosmos are mostly what you should be cycling through, and now and then a Summon Ghost if you really need to (though I don't really think its useful at all).
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Its one level soo Ignore this really.
Now if you didn't reskill at Level 87 and you still have Points in Summon Ghost, its not a major problem, but I'd keep Anathema at Level 1 and Pump Poison Sword, and Cosmos and Skin of Foreign Relm and then lastly w/e points you have left can go into Infected Earth.
FINALLY! You reached Level 97 and got yourself some Kick Ass Cosmos. Now I really recommend by now if you haven't Re-skilled at Level 87 that you Re-Skill NOW as by now its important to effectively have the most important skills you will need for later on. These are your Ideal Skill Set-Up for Level 97, SO if you were pressed for Skill Points and saving them, this is when you reskill or put those saved skill points to use. Now I removed the ENTIRE Staff Skills from the skills to have (except the Staff Cosmos), because by now Having a Level 10 Infected Earth + 2 Points for Summon Ghost and Thorns is a waste of 12 Skill Points that can be used else where. The Rest should be pretty clear as of why I put skill points into them.
NOTE: I recommend getting the Fishing Skill because its useful, but I'll go into some details about that later, but for more information on why I did that you can check Page 3 or 4 where I explain it there since I haven't Posted it here yet.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
There is no Need for this since I posted the Picture.
The ONLY Alternative really at this point is to not learn the Fishing Skill and instead use those points later to get a Level 5 Bregon (if you want), or if you want you don't need to have Bregon's AOE. For fun you can just pump 1 point in each staff skill just to have all the staff skills for all I care. Also I made a Mistake and had it so that Alde was at Level 1, WHICH is another alternative you can take, but by mistake I think I ment to have him at Level 5.
NOTE: You Don't NEED to Re-Skill at Level 108, BUT instead you will have to Keep Alde, Tent and Bregon at Level 1 so that by Level 108 you have that ideal Skill Build Set Up.
Now for the most part this is pretty clear why I have this skill set up. Pump Anathema because yes it is useful at Higher Levels, but if you want you can also Pump Bregon for fun (people say he is good for PvP but I haven't seen that at all personally), BUT the only Reason you might pump Bregon really before you get Level 108 Pets is because his one hit can do some nasty damage and can be good for KSing for DF.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
Its only One Level soooo Ignore this.
Now You DON'T NEED to Re-Skill at Level 108, SO if you want after Level 97 Reskill Make sure you have Alde and Bregon Still at Level One so that by Level 108 you have that skill set up.
YEA! Final Pets! You Don't need to reskill here, BUT if you've made any mistakes or w/e this would be the time to reskill as from here on its pretty clean and easy for Skill Points. By Level 108 You want to have these Skill Build as your Ideal Skills and Set Up. For the most part this is clear why I have this Build by Level 108.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
You are going to want to Pump the Cosmos, Skin of Foreign Relm and Both the 108 Pets.
There really isn't much? But you could not have pumped those Fishing Skills and instead got a Level 5 Bregon or instead of Fishing and Bregon's AOE Skill you could put those 5 kill points in Beast Mastery or w/e.
From here on you are pretty much set. Skills are up to you as by now you have the most important Skills Needed for higher Levels. I'd Suggest Getting Tent cause he was always fun, or Pumping Beast Mastery or Blood Bats. Really it doesn't matter past this point so you can do w/e you want.
What to Pump in Between Posted Skills:
No Further Posted Skills SO do w/e you want.
I'd recommend at least learning the Fishing Mastery at least by now if you haven't already, but again all up to you.
Personally I didn't do these EXACT Skills, but very similar, I had to take into consideration you guys have new skills and pet aoes and skin at 10 which I didn't have when I was leveling.....
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2Moons is a free MMORPG video game published by Acclaim under the direction of David Perry. The game is an adaptation of Korean MMORPG Dekaron by GameHi for the North American market, featuring a new story line. Closed beta testing ended March 7th, 2007. The open beta testing phase, which began July 30th, 2007, has experienced several delays. Previously, a commercial launch was planned for the summer of 2007, but due to the open beta delay, Acclaim has been unable to give an official launch date for the game. As stated by David Perry, Acclaim is "the new kid on the block" in the MMORPG market, and they have had many issues to fix while preparing for the open beta launch of the title.
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